

I have been creating meditations and talks for Insight Timer since 2022.

Insight Timer is a meditation app with a large library of free and premium content. From meditations and visualisations to music and talks, the vast array of teachers and creators in it have provided thousands of tracks to listen to. I am honoured to be part of this big family.

My content blends poetic inspiration and meditation. I use nature imagery that leads the listener back to their essence, helping them come home to themselves so they can feel at home in the world. Most of my pieces are especially suited to sensitive individuals, creating an immersive experience that fosters love and appreciation for themselves, the world, and every living creature.


“I feel so much joy listening to this, Vicky. this gently reminded me of where I've been, how far I have come and how much healing is available to all of us. I am excited about where I am going. The sound quality, voice and cadence is great.” Debbie, US

“A really beautiful message and guided meditation… Thank you so much for creating this and sharing this with the world.” Tim, UK

“Such a soothing voice that I could listen to for hours. Beautifully done, much love and gratitude.” Theresa, US

“Amazingly uplifting.” John, US

“This may be the best thing I've ever heard! Thank you for sharing this brilliance.” Annie, Canada

“I am always left filled with gratitude and appreciation after time spent with you. Life is hard but we DO have the capacity to love and you remind us how easy it is to do so. Thank you Vicky.” Inez, Portugal

“Blown Away by this powerful meditation. Just what I was looking for. Thank you.” Sonia, Australia

“Oh my goodness, this spoke to my heart. It grounded me. Your voice and words carry so much understanding and insight.” Pram, Canada

“This was so unique, wise and poetical!” Kassia, UK

“There's nothing I love more than the perfect words that truly shift my perspective! This did that and I felt it so very deeply. Thank you!” Bethany, US

“Such a beautiful and powerful message. Everyone needs to listen.” Allison, Australia

“This was given me permission to be me. Thank you for this gift.” Juliet

“Exactly the words I needed to hear. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Christina

“Wow! This is exactly what I needed to hear. I love what you teach. Everything you speak about is exactly how I feel, exactly what I need to know and spoken with such a beautiful easy to listen to voice. And the music in every piece so perfectly accompanies what you are saying.” Kat

“That was magnificent! Thank you for speaking that into the world for all to hear! Some of us need these reminders almost daily!” Jamie

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